URL ==== https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpiyci9lmlF/
DESCRIPTION ==== would like to congratulate Kolbe Catholic College and the Smith+Tracey team for winning the Learning Environments Australasia Victorian Award 2018 for the best “New Individual Facility”. The Food Technology Centre was recognised by leading designers and educationalist as a building that promotes student discovery, investigation and problem solving, which aligns with the vision and strategic intent of the College’s Educational Philosophy. The design outcome is contemporary and creative with high quality finishes that reflects a professional kitchen environment where students sense a ‘real life’ learning experience in the food industry, which will be beneficial to supporting authentic career pathways. The building is located to place food at the social ‘heart’ of the College community, with the café style canteen activating the central student hub, whilst fulfilling its primary purpose as a centre of excellence for food technology. The spatial planning provides flexibility of use for practical and theory learning activities to enable both individual and collaborative learning. The integration and connectivity between indoor spaces and outdoor usable areas achieves light, bright and adaptive possibilities with exciting, durable and functional finishes. External raised planters provides students with the opportunity to experience the complete journey of food: grow, prepare and present. Awards night photo #shermantanphoto, Kolbe College photography #chrismatterson.com.au