
Smith + Tracey Win the Learning Environments Australasia NSW Chapter Award 2019

Designed by Smith + Tracey Architects, Mount Sinai College was selected as the ‘winner’ of the Learning Environments Australasia (NSW Chapter) ‘Renovation/Modernisation over $5M’ category. 

The juries citation reinforced the successful balance between the educational transformation of learning spaces and the Jewish cultural traditions delivered through the architectural design and aspirational vision of the College.  We value these awards, as the LEA are made up of both designers and educationalists, which focusses on and analyses closely how design of the built environment can contribute to quality educational outcomes for learning.

The project started as a design competition in 2014, with initial ideas generated through various ‘crowdshare’ sessions, followed by a highly consultative and collaborative design and delivery process with a very hands-on College community.

This award is recognition of the College’s educational vision and desire to involve their community in creating a flexible and engaging place for purposeful learning and establishing a meaningful legacy of cultural values.

About the author
Founded in 1948, Smith + Tracey Architects has built its reputation on education, community and religious projects throughout Australia.