Kolbe Catholic College

The Food Technology Centre is an important part of Kolbe Catholic College’s objective to provide a breadth of educational offerings. The teaching and learning approach for the Centre is based on the holistic view of a contemporary curriculum, integrating knowledge, skills and values across all learning areas whilst teaching the vital skills of social co-operation and collaboration. 

This facility represents the focus on student engagement, providing authentic learning, and creating enhanced pathway options to improve outcomes for all students at the College.

The new building is located in a prominent position within the campus, at the intersection of the central piazza and activates the ‘heart’ of the College, raising the profile of food technology to provide a student hub where food draws the student community together. The building caters for three main functions: the College cafeteria; general curriculum learning; and a future VCAL provision.

The building was collaboratively developed with the College and design team to explore the food cycle from production to preparation to presentation. The outdoor planters offer students the opportunity to grow produce, that can be taken into the kitchen to use in their cooking, before celebrating their creations in the dining area, followed by recycling to start the process again.

The design provides a flexible and adaptable learning environment through the considered arrangement and connection of theory and practical spaces, with a high quality of fitout achieved through the minimisation of internalised circulation, redirecting funds to create a more professional environment for students to explore their food and cooking journey.

2018 Outstanding Learning Environments Awards Association for Learning Environments, Victorian Chapter.
Category: New Individual Facility

2019 Learning Environments Awards Association for Learning Environments, Australasia
Category: New Individual Educational Facility